
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Fixed vs Growth Mindset
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
We discuss fixed vs growth mindsets. Should you tell kids that they're "smart" or "pretty"? What problems can that cause? What are growth attributes and how do we encourage and adopt them? Is Brad Pitt Brad Pitt because he's good looking? Is success defined by our abilities? What effects do fixed mindsets have on life?

Monday Jun 13, 2022
The Basics of World War II - 1944 - Part 1
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
We continue our WWII podcast series and discuss the events of the first half of 1944. How did American strategy in bombing runs change in 1944 and was it effective? What happened at Monte Cassino? What was the battle of Anzio? How effective are stranded whales in the military? What did General Clark order and why was it one of the most controversial orders of WWII? What was the Soviet's military doctrine and how does it relate to today? How did the Allied forces distract Germany prior to D-Day? What happened to Allied tanks at Omaha Beach on D-Day? What is Operation Ichi-Go? What was happening in China in 1944?

Monday May 30, 2022
The Basics of Accountability
Monday May 30, 2022
Monday May 30, 2022
We discuss the basics of accountability. What steps should you need to go through before taking action? What is an axiom? How do you apply axioms to specific situations? What influence should experience have on action? Who can we look at for examples of taking responsible action? Can understanding school subjects be useful in enacting political change? What are affective ways to enact change?

Monday May 16, 2022
The Basics of ADHD
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
We discuss the basics of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). What's the difference between ADD and ADHD? What percentage of children have ADHD? How is it diagnosed? How do teachers deal with it? Is it inherited or caused by environment? Does screen time cause ADHD? When should you get your child checked out? What accommodations are made at school for kids with ADHD? Do international schools have juice in the drinking fountains? Do you grow out of ADHD as you get older? Do adults ever get diagnosed?

Monday May 02, 2022
The Basics of Electromagnetic Forces
Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
We discuss the basics of electromagnetic forces. What is an electromagnetic field? Can you make a magnet by smacking a metal pole with a rock? How does a medium affect an electromagnetic field? Why does it travel in waves? How does electricity work inside your house? What's a coaxial cable? Why does your hair stand on end when you're close to a lightning strike? Does temperature affect electricity? What's a superconductor? Why does the dentist make you wear that silly vest when taking x-rays?

Monday Apr 18, 2022
The Basics of Tax Policy
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
We are joined by Dr. Larry Walters--PhD in public policy and management--to discuss tax policy. What are the various types of taxes governments use? Why do governments use multiple types of taxes instead of just one? How is the electric grid in Texas run? Are all/any taxes tied to specific government projects? What's a flat tax? How do the wealthy avoid paying taxes so often? Do Tim's taxes cover most of the federal budget? How do taxes affect corporations differently than individuals? What limits are there on a government's ability to tax? Do countries/states that tax less just offer less government services? Are there specific states where you pay less in taxes?

Monday Apr 11, 2022
The Basics of Memory
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
We discuss the basics of memory. How does memory work in the brain? We talk about encoding, storage, and retrieval of memory from the brain. Is there subconscious memory? What is a flashbulb memory? Was Cameron a butterfly once? Why isn't your wedding day a flashbulb memory? How does forgetting work? Why can't you find your keys and how is that different than forgetting an old friend's name? Can you suppress memories? Did Jonny get his medical degree from the mafia? Is photographic memory real? What is Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory? How can you improve your memory?

Friday Apr 01, 2022
The Basics of World War II - 1943
Friday Apr 01, 2022
Friday Apr 01, 2022
We continue our WWII podcast series by discussing the events of 1943. What is the unconditional surrender doctrine? Who was Friedrich Paulus and why did Hitler promote him to field marshal? What is the Mareth Line and how did the Codebreakers affect the war in North Africa? What is heavy water? What are operations Freshman and Gunnerside and did they help avert nuclear war? How did the attack on Pearl Harbor help turn the tide on the war in the Atlantic? What is the Dambusters raid and was Rogue Squadron involved? What was the V2 rocket? What were the Hamburg air raids and did the Allied forces bomb civilians? How was the battleship USS Iowa that FDR was riding on fired on by another US destroyer? And how did that prove FDR is a boss?

About Us
We bring an eclectic group together: a linguist turned computer scientist, a mechanical engineer, a hospitality manager, a teacher, and a doctor. And that doesn't include our guests. Some would say, "Hey, you're not 'laymen'!" To that we would respond, "Shh..." In reality, we take on various subjects in which we are certainly laymen. Additionally, from a philosophical perspective, we think everyone is a layman sometimes, and that's ok. We should embrace that and learn. So join us in learning. We try to keep it fun and interesting, but mostly we try to bring you along with us as you learn it from a layman.