Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
The Basics of Photography
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
We are joined by Katie Christensen, Master of Fine Arts, and we discuss the basics of photography. What happens in a film camera? Are there any benefits for film photography over digital? What do all of those settings like ISO and F-stop on your camera mean? Are there camera considerations more than the number of megapixels when buying a camera? Who are some famous historical photographers and what did they do? How do you deal with shadows? How useful is Cameron as a reflective device?
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
The Basics of Data Science
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Mike Vedomske, PhD in Systems and Information Engineering and Senior Data Scientist at Nike, joins the podcast to discuss data science. Is data science different than machine learning? What kind of data do you use and how is it collected or mined? What types of algorithms do you use? What is multiple linear regression? What kind of tools are available? How do you use visualization to explore data? How is data science improving the world?
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
The Basics of DNA
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
We discuss the basics of DNA. How is DNA organized in a cell? What is RNA? What are chromosomes, how are the structured, and how big are they? How much of our DNA is not used? Do proteins rule the world? How can researchers figure out which part of DNA comes from specific regions of the world? Why is cloning hard? What are stem cells? What does DNA have to do with cancer and what can you do to protect your DNA?
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
The Basics of International Travel
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
We discuss the basics of international travel. When does your passport actually expire? What's a visa and do you need one? What considerations are there if you drive to another country? Should you fly standby if you can? How can you layover in Iceland for free? What are ways you can save money, and what are ways you shouldn't save money? What are the dos and don'ts of security when traveling? Should you try to learn the language?
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
The Basics of Browsers
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
We discuss the basics of browsers. What is a browser and what does it do? Is Google Chrome the best browser? How does a browser affect internet privacy? What is a Virtual Private Network (VPN)? Are different browsers better or worse? Is incognito mode useful? What can I do if a website isn't working? What are Dev Tools in a browser and how can they help the layman?
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
The Basics of Conspiracy Theories
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
We discuss the basics of conspiracy theories. Did the US really land on the moon? Who killed JFK? Was Obama born in the United States? Is Earth flat? Why do people believe conspiracy theories? How do you tell if something is a conspiracy theory and how do you avoid falling prey to one? Is Tim trying to bring down the podcast? We lay out four steps to help arm yourself against misinformation.
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Fixed vs Growth Mindset
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
We discuss fixed vs growth mindsets. Should you tell kids that they're "smart" or "pretty"? What problems can that cause? What are growth attributes and how do we encourage and adopt them? Is Brad Pitt Brad Pitt because he's good looking? Is success defined by our abilities? What effects do fixed mindsets have on life?
Monday Jun 13, 2022
The Basics of World War II - 1944 - Part 1
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
We continue our WWII podcast series and discuss the events of the first half of 1944. How did American strategy in bombing runs change in 1944 and was it effective? What happened at Monte Cassino? What was the battle of Anzio? How effective are stranded whales in the military? What did General Clark order and why was it one of the most controversial orders of WWII? What was the Soviet's military doctrine and how does it relate to today? How did the Allied forces distract Germany prior to D-Day? What happened to Allied tanks at Omaha Beach on D-Day? What is Operation Ichi-Go? What was happening in China in 1944?
About Us
We bring an eclectic group together: a linguist turned computer scientist, a mechanical engineer, a hospitality manager, a teacher, and a doctor. And that doesn't include our guests. Some would say, "Hey, you're not 'laymen'!" To that we would respond, "Shh..." In reality, we take on various subjects in which we are certainly laymen. Additionally, from a philosophical perspective, we think everyone is a layman sometimes, and that's ok. We should embrace that and learn. So join us in learning. We try to keep it fun and interesting, but mostly we try to bring you along with us as you learn it from a layman.